What BSV projects you find interesting?by Pete, Finland, 2020-07-15 (1652 days ago) @ jdh7190edited by kuopassa, Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 15:59Maybe, but if it's beta version and has the potential to brick my Android... 😉
Complete thread: What BSV projects you find interesting? — kuopassa, 2020-07-11, 14:28 What BSV projects you find interesting? — Pete, 2020-07-14, 15:02 What BSV projects you find interesting? — jdh7190, 2020-07-14, 22:23What BSV projects you find interesting? — Pete, 2020-07-14, 23:14What BSV projects you find interesting? — jdh7190, 2020-07-14, 23:43What BSV projects you find interesting? — Pete, 2020-07-15, 14:24