Changelog and notes
3 July 2020:
The domain was registered.
15 July 2020:
Forum was opened.
16 July 2020:
Quoting messages was modified to prevent nesting quotes.
16 July 2020:
Finnish translation is nearly done. New threads are now created to a language-specific category. (But currently there are just English and Finnish available.)
18 July 2020:
Certain places show social media share buttons. Thread categories were added for the following languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish. Now also the userlist has a tip button for those who have given their Paymail or BSV address. Clicking that button under 10 cents are sent. User gets lion's share and BSVForum the rest.
19 July 2020:
🐍 Emoji toolbar was added. Minor enhancements to the English and Finnish language packs.
27 July 2020:
Saving posts to the BSV blockchain is now enabled, but it's an experimental feature. And it's not perfect in the way that revisions/edits for posts can't be (yet) saved to the chain. For example this entry is updated every now and then, but if someone saves it to the blockchain once, it can't be updated to the blockchain again -> so this entry over on can be edited/revised, but saving the latest version to the BSV chain isn't possible. A simple thing difficult to describe. 😅
3 August 2020:
Minor updates to the pagination of user's posts. Also added a few new emojis in the red balloon tab. ✅
8 August 2020:
Added a new line to the transactions that are uploaded to the BSV blockchain. The new line begins with word "Checksum" and the value is an MD5 string. With it I can, if necessary, try to confirm if transaction saved on chain is valid or a forgery. It's not a bulletproof security feature.