Bitcoin SV Forum

Use PixelSV to draw & enjoy art on the same canvas

by kuopassa, Finland, 2022-11-09 ()

This is a new interpretation of the website located at The new version allows anyone to take a screenshot of the currently drawn canvas, which is shared by everyone and to which anyone can draw, and upload that moment in time to the Bitcoin SV blockchain. A small service fee is taken by the website, and something is taken by the payment gateway that handles the part of uploading data to the chain.

At the moment Money Button doesn't seem to function very well with this thing, but besides MB there is the good old RelayX that does the job, and it is much cheaper than MB. 🎨

PS. the original website was made by someone else. Klimenos wrote in 2019 about how it functioned:

Complete thread:

  • Use PixelSV to draw & enjoy art on the same canvas kuopassa, 2022-11-09, 01:06 [*]