Bitcoin SV Forum

"BSV or Paymail address" in profile settings

by kuopassa, Finland, 2020-07-15 ()
edited by kuopassa, Thursday, July 16, 2020, 17:17

After creating an account and logging in, you'll be able to receive tips in US Dollars using the Bitcoin SV blockchain. Such tips are paid practically instantly after someone simply clicks a button. 💵

To receive tips you need either Bitcoin SV (BSV) address, or a Paymail address. Paymail address looks like an email address, so for example is one.

Probably the easiest way to get yourself a Paymail address is by creating a Money Button account:

Of course you'll get also from Money Button regular BSV addresses: log in to your MB account and find the orange/reddish plus icon with label "Add money" next it. Click that to create a new BSV address.

Complete thread:

  • "BSV or Paymail address" in profile settings kuopassa, 2020-07-15, 18:48 [*]