Bitcoin SV Forum

Upload BSV Forum messages to the blockchain

by kuopassa, Finland, 2020-07-28 ()

Logged in users can upload individual posts originally published on to the Bitcoin SV blockchain. Uploading happens by swiping a Money Button. Uploaded posts should be compatible with unwriter's* B: protocol. saves posts in plain text with UTF-8 encoding. Messages are saved as "blob". Messages don't have file names. Content is saved in a specific style. It's quite similar to the source code found in email messages. Here's an example:

Subject: This is the subject line
Body: This is the block for actual message.
Date: Date and time
Writer: username of original poster
Uploader: username of post uploader
Category: language category
Message: unique message number

So each field is separated with a newline. Each field begins with a constant, ends with colon and a space. Fields are always these English words, and in this order:

1. From
2. Subject
3. Body
4. Date
5. Writer
6. Uploader
7. Category
8. Message

Maybe the 8th field should be something different, like UID, but this is the current arrangement. 😊

Live example:

*) unwriter is a programmer who has created several support systems for BSV, like a data storage protocol called B:.