Bitcoin SV Forum

MetaRSS is a RSS feed aggregator just like... (English)

by kuopassa, Finland, Monday, May 13, 2024, 06:35 ()

Just like what? There are probably many, but I haven't used any simply because Web browser should be able to do that. But browsers have no interest in RSS/Atom feeds anymore. And that caused many interesting feeds to stop publishing. has offered an RSS feed of these latest threads for years, but now its also available on-chain -- at least partially -- thanks to MetaRSS:

If you want to do your part in reviving RSS and Atom, please add more feeds to that site. The more eyeballs it gets, the better. 😉

MetaRSS is a RSS feed aggregator just like...

by metarss, Monday, May 13, 2024, 23:51 () @ kuopassa

Thanks for the mention! Its true that RSS feeds are in decline, they are still a good source of news and articles in an easy to consume format when supported. Maybe in the future they come back as a popular format. Cheers and votes of success.

MetaRSS is a RSS feed aggregator just like...

by kuopassa, Finland, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 00:04 () @ metarss

I think the greatest feature on MetaRSS is that it has its own feed for latest channels. 😉

PS. The website source code has a weird thing like this: <meta name="RSS feeds on the blockchain"/>. I think it should be <meta name="description" content="RSS feeds on the blockchain"/> or something similar.

MetaRSS is a RSS feed aggregator just like...

by metarss, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 01:16 () @ kuopassa

Maybe that's why its not indexing properly on google it has a weird description, thanks!